The Bodyful Mind®
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Welcome to The Bodyful Mind®…

an exercise class designed to provide people with the opportunity to experience themselves from within the story held in the cells of the body.

Using breath-connected movement, writing and self-awareness, we participate in a somatic exploration to cultivate and develop a relationship to our innate emotional intelligence, by way of nuero-muscular re-education, in other words, changing our primary programming.

Empowered by the compassion of understanding and a deeper recognition borne from within, we are the power to change absolutely EVERYTHING.


What you discover through movements in class is what you write about… and what you write about is what you discover within…

Find the value.


   As Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, pioneering neuroscientist, says in his book The Body Keeps the Score:

“We can get past the slipperiness of words by engaging the self-observing, body-based self system, which speaks through sensations, tone of voice, and body tensions. being able to perceive visceral sensations is the very foundation of emotional awareness.”

This is the gift of the Bodyful Mind®!

Rhys Logan.


In 1979, Doreen Rivera experienced a life-changing automobile incident, ending her flourishing dance career. Doreen transformed this debilitating event into a life-affirming journey…emerging as the Mother of Somatic Movement.

Discover from within…The Bodyful Mind®


“When you move muscle, you move emotion.

It’s that simple”

- Doreen Rivera


Inner Space...

the Final Frontier. 
