The Bodyful Mind®
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In 1979, Doreen Rivera experienced a life-changing automobile incident, ending her flourishing dance career. Doreen transformed this debilitating event into a life-affirming experience.

Doreen has been called “The Godmother of Stretch” and the Mother of Somatic Movement.  She brought her original stretch program to Jane Fonda’s Workout, (which included the original exercise Barré Class) and introduced Jane Fonda and the world to the idea and importance of stretching.  People began to quickly understand what doreen was always expressing “when you move muscle, you move emotion… it’s that simple.” As a result, Stretch classes have become a staple in the exercise world today. Her work is the inspiration for many exercise programs, videos and books, which paved the way for the yoga movement.

  • Taught at UCLA, Dept. of Biological Sciences Extension Division

  • Taught at Dr. Leroy Perry’s International Sportscience Institute

  • Health Editor for the original Latina magazine

  • Board of Directors for Femmy DeLyser’s ground-breaking pregnancy, birth and recovery program

  • Through Denny Terrio’s involvement, Doreen was John Travolta’s stretch coach for his role in “Saturday Night Fever”

  • Her stretch video, “Stretch for Life,” was Shape Magazine’s #1 Stretch Video in the U.S. & Canada & recommended in Cher’s book, Forever Fit

  • Hosted her own exercise cable show, “RSVP,” in Los Angeles

Doreen and her staff continue to teach this cutting-edge, life-changing work through movement classes, workshops, seminars, individual sessions and her pregnancy program.

The Bodyful Mind Process® is geared toward evolving the emotional intelligence of every phase and each experience of life ~ from birth to death and everything in between.

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Susan Grace

Darcy Halsey harris

Twenty years ago, I had a lot of painful feelings bottled up inside and I used food, alcohol, drugs and men to suppress those feelings and experiences. I was introduced to The Bodyful Mind® Institute and began participating in class, individual sessions and workshops, where I learned to explore my life through my body and pay attention to what I was feeling. I began to realize that those painful experiences I had been hiding from were my life’s greatest teachers. A whole world of wisdom opened up to me, my BODY’S wisdom, the wisdom of my feelings, MY wisdom. Twelve years ago, I joined The Bodyful Mind® teacher training program to become a full-time Bodyful Mind® educator. I learn everyday that my feelings are my power.


"When you move muscle, you move emotion... it's that simple."

- Doreen Rivera
